Gracia (GRAY-see-ah) 🌱
1. information science @ Cornell University
2. designer striving to create meaningful product experiences

Atlassian Notifications

UX design | internship | individual

Creating an informative experience for message-makers to stay updated on the status of their messages

Netflix Case Study

product design | case study | individual

Re-envisioning the Netflix discovery process to create a more humanized, personalized, and digestible recommendation experience.

Image of Collidasphere screens


product design | visual design | consulting | group

Creating a more authentic, personal, and private social media space

Playful Plants screen

Playful Plants

web design | data analysis | individual

Helping parents find creative ways to engage their children with nature and the outdoors


start-up | mobile app | group

Increasing safety, reducing anxiety, and saving time for grocery shopping for people with allergies