Atlassian Engagement Platform

Atlassian Engagement Platform

Atlassian Engagement Platform


Designed and shipped a notification experience for Atlassian's message-makers to stay updated on their message statuses, reducing wasted time during the message shipping process

👩🏻‍💻 My Role: Product Designer
🤝 Team: Engagement Platform (Growth)
Duration: May 2023 - August 2023
⚒️ Tools/Skills: Figma, User Research, Wireframing, Presentations


Engagement Plaftorm is an internal Atlassian tool where message-makers can create in-product messages and test new features that appear on Atlassian products like Confluence, Jira, and Trello.

In-product messages can include

  • Onboarding messages

  • Crossflow messages

  • Marketing ads

  • Product feature spotlights

An in-product onboarding message on Jira:

Message-makers who create in-product messages include:

  • Marketing Team

  • Project Managers

  • Crossflow Experience Designers

  • Anyone at Atlassian who needs to create a message

User Research

To further understand Atlassian message-makers, I conducted user research by

  1. Synthesizing user interviews by creating an empathy map and persona

  1. Completing a heuristic evaluation for Engagement Platform

The Problem.

Message-makers are not kept up to date on the status of the messages they create. They must proactively check the progress themselves, which results in:

  1. Forgotten messages (left in Drafts)

  2. Delays in when messages reach end users

  3. Lower performing messages running for long periods of time

This ultimately creates wasted time during the message shipping process.

The steps that message-makers currently need to take to ship a message:

From FY 2022 to FY 2023…

The # of messages left in Drafts increased by 33%, from 375 to 500

But the # of messages productionized decreased by 27% from 275 to 200

Looking at the data led me to my question:

How might we improve the process of informing message makers about the status of their messages?

My Hypothesis.

We believe that providing message makers with helpful notification updates on their message statuses

Will result in a decrease in the time it takes for a message to reach the end user

Because message makers will be guided through each critical action along the journey and no longer have to manually keep track of message progress

We will succeed if message makers can monitor and maintain messages with lower effort and time

Success Metrics 🏆

1. The average number of days that a message is in draft decreases by 25%, from 22 days to 16.5 days

2. The average click-through rate (CTR) of Slack notification messages is 25%

My Solution.

Informative In-product Notification Updates

Section Banner

Initial Design

Revised Design

The elements of the revised design

  • Yellow colored banner

  • "Active voice" header

  • No option to dismiss banner

Combine to form a clear Call to Action that message-makers cannot miss or ignore

Slack Message Updates

Initial Design

Revised Design

Stretch Goal: Built-in Notification System Design Explorations

Exploration A

  • Entire page for notifications

  • Interates well into existing Engagement Platform navigation sidebar

Exploration B

  • Can view notifications without needing to go to a completely new page

  • Consistent with notifications for other Atlassian products (Confluence, Trello, Jira)


🏆 Reduced the number of stale messages (messages left in Drafts > 30 days) on Engagement Platform

🏆 Reduced the effort and time needed for the E2E journey of producing a message

Some Final Thoughts

This was my first big industry-level project experience! 🎉 During the onboarding process, I was pretty overwhelmed with all the new terminology, information about the Engagement Platform tool, and the different nuances within the message-making experience. Through asking questions, synthesizing user research, and engaging in critique sessions with different stakeholders, I developed a much more solid grasp on the problem. Moving forward, I've gained valuable skills and confidence in tackling challenges that initially feel intimidating.

Throughout the process, I was challenged to think about:
1. Balancing what the business is currently prioritizing with what the users want
2. The feasibility of each new design component
3. How to collaborate cross-functionally and synthesize varying feedback from different stakeholders (designers, engineers, content designers, PMs) to figure out next steps

Additional Work at Atlassian

During my internship, I also took the opportunity to experiment with illustrations and create some "Better Together" narrative graphics for Atlassian products Jira and JSM.

Feel Free to Check out my Other Projects!

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Reach out to me at for any questions or just an interesting conversation— I'm always happy to chat.


Thanks for stopping by! 👋

Reach out to me at for any questions or just an interesting conversation— I'm always happy to chat.